Thursday, 30 April 2009


I just ate a raspberry. I love raspberries. One berry in the box had a small patch of mould so I threw it away. Unexplicably all the raspberries tasted mouldy. Why does crap spread like that?

Crap should spread like sorbet. People might like it more.

P.S. Secret project is nearly there...

Wednesday, 29 April 2009


More chav grief/humour.


"Oh well DONE! You managed two whole syllables! WOW!"


Chav girl: "Lesbian! How many syllables in THAT, then."



"Err.... Well done..?"

Why they feel it's ok to do that I'm not certain, but I do have a fair bit of fun with my sarcasm. Passes the time, you know?

Since reading my blog, Lexy's been desperate to see the Boss. Yesterday we were killing time in town and suddenly he's getting off the bus. I give a small wave. This is where a normal person would smile or wave back, or even say hello. However as you all know the Boss is not your average responsible adult. He winked. I can't say I'm all that surprised, and he did it well too. Considering.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Belly Dancing

There are only three kinds of exercise that I will voluntarily do: surfing, sex and belly dancing.

I went belly dancing this evening. I really enjoyed it, but my mum didn't like the teacher. We're going to a different class on Wednesday. I'm very much looking forward to it. I love feeling seductive and having people look at me. I'm an attention slut. I won't deny that; there's no point.

Feeling people's eyes drawn to me, their mind buzzing with my movement. They think about me, images trapped, flashing behind closed eyes. I survive on their desire, I crave their attention. A rush from being me.

The size of the rush, depends on my audience. You can try and guess who.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Brain Damage

My laptop has not died. Not yet. It was resuscitated. But it's abit thick now. Like it has brain damage. Damn.

Secret project is progressing nicely. I'm still not telling you what it is. I know I've managed to shock most people, but this project... I don't think you'll look at me the same way after. And I don't think the carrots are that bad.

Excuse the very short and sex-less blogs. I'm suffering from sleep-deprivation. I stay up late and do things to myself. I am the girl your mum hopes you never meet.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Another One Bites The Dust

This is a quick post to say that the 4th laptop in 6 months has malfunctioned on me. It's not awful, it's just the mouse, I don't really use it. I still have my PC (I am spoiled for technology), so I'll survive.

This evening I found out an old friend of mine is dating an associates little sister. It's really sweet (and not peverted, it's a year age gap). They're very happy. It made my evening. Still, I should get some sleep before I go to work and feel like a small lost child. There's a new supervisor (as well as the Boss) and since I started working there I was in charge, because the Boss was upstairs. Now this new supervisor (call her Freya) is there and I have noone to boss around. I'm at such a loss.

I'm also working on a secret project, which I am very excited about. If you don't know about it now, you won't until it's done. Save your breath.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Common Sense

In life there are certain things you shouldn’t do. Pee into the wind, eat yellow snow and annoy me.

“Look, it’s the lesbians!”
“Oh come ON! If you’re gonna try and use my sexuality to insult me, at least be original about it. I’m just so sick of the same old-”
“It’s the lesbians!”
“THAT! That is what I’m fed up with, right there. Think up something funny, then come insult me.”

Later that same day. “LESBIAN!”

Bad idea. Such a bad idea.

“Oh well done, you correctly identified my sexuality! Oh WOW! Would you like a medal?”


I am not in the mood to be pissed on. Do not cross me. I won’t regret my actions, but I promise you will.

Bearing in mind that this was my mind state, was it a good idea to send me to see a homophobic MP? I managed to restrain myself (cuffs, rope, chains, gags and blindfolds) and I was this close [---] to wearing my (now invalid) “Nobody Knows I’m A Lesbian” T-shirt. It’s invalid because everyone knows. Clearly, the shirt served a purpose. The only reason I bothered to restrain myself was because it was an hour long year 7 presentation and assembly. Just not the time, you know.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Individually Wrappped Items and Irresponsible Responsible Adults

Today a conversation came up about underwear. It was decided black underwear are either racy or very plain. I primarily wear black underwear. You decide what kind.

I do go mad for smalls. I love bras most of all, but mine are too expensive for me to get lots. This leads me nicely to knickers. Frenchies are very sexy; sitting wrapped around you, made of material with lots of little holes, like a classy peep show. Thongs. Not everyone can pull off a thong, but being able to grab and them in your mouth is nothing if not a turn on. Then there are frillies; under a pair of jeans and a baggy tee, there are few things as good as pulling it off to find racy red frilly undies. Something so unexpected, yet so sexy. At the other end of the scale there's boy pants (whether they're actually made for guys or just girls boxers) although not directly sexy, are still a hot look because legs and ass is guaranteed to look good. Not to forget the classic brief. It's like blue jeans and a tight, white tshirt. You can't go wrong with classic.

At the end of all that, underwear are like Cadbury's Roses. It doesn't matter how pretty and shiny the wrapper is, you want the good stuff inside.

Back to two actual events, both of which happened yesterday. The first is that a teaching assistant asked me out for coffee. That's not... right. That's like sleeping with your boss (don't say it). He knows that, I'm sure. Now don't get me wrong, he's a perfectly nice guy and he wasn't making a move (I don't think), but it still begs the question where have all the responsible adults gone? The boss is clearly not a good example, my economics teacher spends more time staring down my top than teaching (it got me a good report) and now this. Men are clearly driven purely by hormones. This is proof enough for me.

The second item of importance is that I wore a backless top. It was sunny and Sara and I had a couple of frees together (lessons got cancelled etc). I was lying on my front trying to work (note the word "trying") and Sara came up behind me, played with my hair, and kissed my neck. Her mouth moved down, her fingers playing with the back of bra. Her tongue was spreading across my spine and her breath blowing cold making me shiver. Wrapped her lips around my shoulder blade, I could feel her teeth. Now you understand why I was trying to work and not actually working.

Sara must learn to choose a more appropriate setting. Like someplace dark where people aren't paying attention to us. Like a cinema. My hand creeping across and running up her thigh. Lips joining silently and tongues dancing without a sound. Her hand cups my face, mine run through her hair. Getting closer, sinking into the kiss. Coming up for air; credits are rolling. How was the film?

P.S. Let me give you a clue to the black underwear. Sara thinks I look hot in them.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Yes, we are. No, you can't watch

As I left school today Sara caught up with me and we kissed at the top of the hill. Bad planning means this is where the chavs go.


I honestly thought we'd travelled back to primary school. I turn around and see a group of disgusted faces. "yeah, so?" Shocked faces, no reply. I tell Sara I'll see her later and walk past the chavs. As I do they start to all whisper "they were kissing, kissing, like their tongues touched and everything..." I rolled my eyes, "life's tough, huh!"

One girl came up with the very witty reply of: "life's sick more like!" Followed by "who kissed? Her? "

"YES ME!" Follow up with angry mumbling about homophobic idiots. As one of the girls I was walking with pointed out, they'll probably be the girls to get off with each other when they're drunk. Life's funny.

My girlfriend has since told me that when she was walking back to school, a guy turned into her and accidentally bumped her. His friend turns and sincerely says, "dude, watch out, you nearly hit the lesbian!"

Reputation is everything.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Hunger Does Many Things To You

Yesterdays post made me realise something. I am always horny (I knew that) and whatever I'm feeling usually gets mixed into it. It just happens that on this occasion I'm hungry.

I want to drizzle syrup across her pale skin and swirl my fingers in sweet juices. Run my tongue along whipped cream and leave teethmarks in the hot melted chocolate on her hips. I want to taste her skin and I'll move everything out my way until I do. I want to watch her warm skin tighten and turn into an ocean of goosebumps when the sorbet touches her; my mouth warms her up soon enough. All those sweet sticky foods. Time to shower.

Hot water spraying out, hitting her skin, my soft mouth distracting her from the pressure. I push back her wet hair. I kiss her stomach and I can taste the hot water. My fingers trail down legs and my mouth finds her hips. My hands run over her shoulders and down her back, lathering her. I massage the soap into her skin. She shuts her eyes. My hands move down her waist and I cover her stomach in soap. Her lips part. I kiss her. Instantly she reacts her mouth moving with mine, her hands trailing along my body; in and out at every curve. Her skin has never felt so smooth.

So I'm sitting here, eating and apple. As Sara pointed out it'll be hard to lick that off, so where can I put it?

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Strange Concoction

Feeling a little strange. A part of me is feeling really low. I get that sometimes. All the bad stuff bubbles to the surface. It's usually in the evening when I'm tired and I just sleep it off. It's not a big deal, it happens maybe once a fortnight. The reason it's bugging me today is because I'm horny. I realise I'm always horny. The difference being that usually when I feel low I a) loose my apetite, b) sleep alot more and c) momentarily stop being horny. It's kind of a clash. I don't intend to cry during climax (I think it's creepy). To ensure this doesn't happen I'm not helping myself like I normally do; I've been left very frustrated.

All that's running through my mind is a pair of hands on my hips, fingers moving up my stomach, cupping my boobs. Lips on my neck, teeth nipping at my skin. Hot breath. Everything slows down, blurs. Anticipation. Fairly standard stuff, but its tricky when I can't do anything about it. Life's tough.

Saturday, 18 April 2009


My internet has gone down, so even though I’m writing this at 13.54 (18th of April) it won’t say that. Sara came round last night, left this morning. My room smells of her perfume. I keep getting little flashbacks. I’ll write flashbacks in italic today. Her mouth gently kissing my nipple, her soft strands of hair bushing against my skin, making it tingle. I’m glad I didn’t mess this up, she’s amazing. Her fingers pulling my t-shirt over my head. We hung out and watched a bit of tv, settled on Fight Club in the end. Fantastic film. Fantastic sensations. We had an amazing night. Great morning too. My fingers brushing back her hair. It’s wet at the tips from the shower. My lips gently brush against hers and my tongue slips across her top lip. Damn she makes me happy. Her eyes glaze over and her body arches when I run my fingers down her spine. I’m pretty sure I make her happy too.

I still have piles of homework. I can’t get her out of my head. Not that I really want to. Her breath catches and she moans softly. I brush her hair back and look into her beautiful blue eyes. She’s gorgeous. Much as I’d like to sit fill the page with images, I have to do some work. Play nicely now.

Friday, 17 April 2009


Quite abit has happened over the last few days. I worked Wednesday and things got out of hand with the boss. Small misunderstanding, he went too far, but we sorted that. I told Sara, she's amazing. Not mad, not jealous. She's coming round tonight. Perfect.

That summary is pretty vague, but I think I'll keep the details to myself on this one. Not very like me. Call it an aura of mystery. I made it sound like nothing, but I thought about nothing else for over 24 hours (both the event, but mainly the potential consequences). The main thing I realised was how happy Sara makes me. I don't want to fuck up what I have with her. I really care. I'm growing up.

Tonight should be fun. My legs are newly waxed and I'm ready to play. Are you?

Monday, 13 April 2009

Word of Warning

World, I am multiplying.

That didn't sound so bad before. What I mean is I'm slowly creating another out-of-control horny, kinkier than you'd think monster. In a great way. Sara is becoming hornier and kinkier than I imagined. And I have quite an imagination.

The other day we got talking about body paint. She's only interested if we lick it off, but she would be willing to comprise if we showered to clean off. She's also asking about cuffing me, using blind folds and I think starting to dirty text. I am over-joyed.

Right now, she's horny, thinking about my fingers trailing down her hot, wet skin, my mouth on her shoulder, my short hair brushing against her bare skin. While with relatives. Fantastic.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Things I Dislike

(Told you this was coming)

1. Veg. It's green and.. Natural. Like weed. There's a reason we don't eat weed.
2. Things that stop/postpone/interupt my climax. Self explanatory.
3. People who moan. And then do nothing about it. It cancels your right to moan.
4. Vibrators. They're expensive and need fuckloads of batteries. And yet I keep buying them.
5. People who ask for an honest opinion and expect me to lie. I rarely lie, when iI do it's with good reason. They know this, but they still ask?
6. Sleeping in a really messy room. I will manically tidy until 3 in the morning before passing out on the floor. I'm a little neurotic like that.
7. Nagging. It's only ok when I do it.
8. Being wrong. I know nobody likes it, but I loathe it. I really do.
9. Not finishing what I start. Having something incompl

Couldn't resist.

Things I like

1. Lists. They're organized and mean that when you don't care what the point says, you can skip it.
2. Being single. You're free to roam the crowds of desperate people and play with them at your will.
3. Being in a relationship. There's someone to make you feel special and cheer you up on crappy days; it's especially good if they let you nap when you're tired.
4. Orgasms. Why this point didn't come sooner I don't know.
5. Giving others orgasms. There's that look of satisfaction. I could eat myself fat on that look (and I have a very fast metabolism).
6. Wet fun. Rain, shower, pool, sea and of course the special kind linking to point 4.
7. Nail polish. This isn't realy going with the theme, but it is alot of fun.
8. Free speech. Being able to say what you want, when you want. And being able to make out with who you want, where you want.
9. Friends. You need them. Even if it is just to make snicker brownies with.
10. Getting good surprises. I'm not a big fan of other peoples spontenaity because I can't plan and obsess over every last detail if i don't know it's coming, but sometimes it's worth it.
11. Giving good surprises. I can plan and obsess over every last detail and I get that nice, fuzzy feeling.
12. Places without old people and children. I'm not a fan of these extremes, they make alot of noise, fart alot and take my attention away from me.
13. Lingerie. Being able to feel girly and sexy in baggy jeans and an oversized t-shirt is amazing.
14. Bright stuff. Bright clothes and make-up, clever people, bulbs that work, reasons for sunglasses. All goood.
15. Lists that end on 0 or 5. It's just neater.

(There will be a things I dislike blog at some point)

Friday, 10 April 2009


I felt her hot lips brushing against mine, not quite letting me feel the electricity of our touch. Her finger brushes against my jaw, instintively my head tilts back. Her finger lightly touches my lips and her lips kiss my neck. I let out a soft moan from my throat. Goosebumps up my spine. I look at her, her beautiful blue eyes catch mine, but only for a second. Her finger trail up my skin pulling away my tshirt. Her mouth pressed against the soft skin on my hip. Kisses on stomach. Slips out her tongue and lets it glide across my skin. I sigh, shakily, trying to get a hold of myself. Her hair tickles my skin. my nails dig in and I let go, lie back and let the pleasure wash over me.
An afternoon well spent.

Thursday, 9 April 2009


One of my favourite blogs has turned into invite only. I don't have an invite. This might not be so terrible but this is the blog which taught me to give head. This is something I am ALWAYS complimented on. I must have an invite. The woman behind the blog is my idol and I don't even know who she is. It's not important. This is a cry for help, on the off chance that she saw me following her blog and sees this blog. It's a very off chance, but it's worth it because her blog makes me hot. So, an invite would be appreciated, but probably not received.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Inappropriate Cocks

I'm at Lexys, I stayed over. Continued text session with the Boss over the last two nights. Long story short, he asked if I fancied a shag. Told him I did not. He carried on asking, I enjoyed making him want it. He wanted it a lot. I enjoy the attention, but I'm not interested (aside from when he sends a kinky text and gets it just right, still I doubt I would). He also sent a picture. You don't need the details but this is my blog so you're going to get them: reasonable girth, not fantastic length (but I'm not really a size-matters girl. I wont complain either way), big head. I have fun with sensitive heads. At the end of his shift I'd given him nothing in return and he was a fair bit hornier than he was to start with. This morning I realised how inappropriate it was to be doing that with not just a colleague, but with my boss, who is around 10 years older than me and in a long-term relationship. Isn't that nice?

Something I've come to realise. The more other people openly want me, the more I just want Sara. If I do start to feel that I might stray, that will backfire. Until then, I love the power.

Around 3 this morning we started getting tired. Lexy sent a text to Marcus about licking off custard. She has since told him she was drunk, but she wasn't. If he knew I'd been round he wouldn't believe her because I don't drink. I don't need alcohol to do stupid things and my way I can remember them. It's easier to regret with a clear mind.

Currently we are playing Crash Nitro Kart Racing on Ps2. We are rocking. I'm horny.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Cold Kisses and Something for the Guys

Leave an ice cube in your mouth, let it melt, cool down your whole mouth. Now for that kiss. Lean in close, let your hot lips brush against theirs then slide your tongue in and watch the cool sensation take them over. Run your frozen tongue across the soft sensitive skin on their back or across their chest making their nipples harden or trail down past their stomach until the cold numbness makes their fingers dig in and their breath catches so their entire body pulsates.

So what is it you guys want to hear? That I'll take your hard cock in my hand and tease you with the tip of my tongue, letting it trail all the way up you, my hands on your thighs, thumbs rolling on your balls. I swirl my tongue in your precum, you can see my hard nipples through my shirt. I wrap my lips around your hard cock and my whole mouth works to make you feel amazing. Something like that?

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Bonding Over Bondage

I accidentally cufffed my hand to... my other hand. Lexy and Sara had a very good laugh about that. I'm not amused.

I suspect an explanation as to cuffing myself is required. I was horny and I find I can get some explosive orgasms if they're purely by thought. Trouble is I have little self-control. I can't keep my hands off myself. Obviously some sort of restraint would solve this problem. So I cuffed myself behind my back. Had an intense orgasm, as promised, then realised I had my hands cuffed behind me. With no idea where the key was.

Luckily I'm flexible and got my hands in front of me. I typed to Lexi and Sara for help. They laughed. First alone, then as a pair. I did find the key and managed to get myself out. They're still laughing. I won't stop them. Neither of them just had the best orgasm of the day.

How to be a Hooker

Tomorrow I am learning how to be a murderous, drug-dealing prostitute. That'll be fun.

It is unfortunately alot more innocent than I would like it to be. It's my friend JJ's film studies film. I'm a hooker who fights her boyfriend, smashes a a chair over his head and consequently kills him. I leave the house and swap an envelope of cash for a packet of cocaine then walk towards the camera in a dramatic way. It's all about clever editing. I'm reallly looking forward to it. Mainly because I get to dress like a whore (and then march through town), but also abit because the guy I kill looks set to be Marcus. I find that amusing.

I'm a little unsure what to wear as a hooker, which I guess is ironic. I have, after all, had 17 years practice and my warderobe is not exactly conservative. Today at work, which was busy but dull, I kept thinking about Sara. She makes my stomach do backwards flips. I wish I could do backwards flips.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Old Times

Last night, Sara and I were having a little a fun and my phone goes off. It's a text. From the Boss. He's playing games; it leads to him asking about Sara and I (he was aware she was there), him wanting dirty messages and nude pictures. I gave him zilch. I was unimpressed at his effort.

The night eventually passed, with us in a single bed. Cosy. Sara woke up stupidly early and she caught an (also stupidly) early bus home. I went home, killed a couple of hours then went to town to meet an old friend I hadnt seen in literally months. It was so great to catch up with her.

I was distracted all day, mostly because of Sara, but I also saw the Ex. The Ex and I split because I wasn't sure I was going to stay faithful. I liked him and didn't want to hurt him, but it had to end. Even when we were dating, Sara and I were close and he always suspected that I was cheating on him with her. I never did. Bottom line, I'm now dating her and I suspect he would not take that too well. We ended on half decent terms and I guess I want to keep a certain image in his mind. He was bloody talented in bed though, really knew what he was doing.

The distraction of Sara is a little more physical. I think of her and I get this amazing sensation. Cold tingles. from my head, down my arms and spine, my lips part and I think about her face when she's gasping for air and my nipples harden and my clit pulses. I can do nothing to stop it. Girl drives me crazy.

Friday, 3 April 2009

Sexy Bed Head is Here

(the title means Sara. Just to clarify.)

Any time Sara comments on what I'm typing I will falsely quote in italics.. you're not allowed to do that. unbelievable.

As I was saying... We've spent the evening at mine watching bad films (do not, i repeat do NOT watch Water Lillies) and fantastic films (Juno), but mostly making out. Tell it like it is. I was shocked to find that I gave Sara something she'd failed to give herself. Oh dear. Kinda what I thought. I was actually horrified. All this caused some impressive Bed Head on Sara. Sexy :) Yeah...(sarcasm)

As SBH quite rightly pointed out, it also worked up an appetite for brownies and chicken. I wanted it at the same time, but I felt my family would object. They have no sense of adventure. noo, they just have sensible taste in food.

As you can imagine we have better things to do. We'll enjoy it (like hell we will), I'm sure your imagination will keep you going.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

The Power of Language

I helped my good friend James cum over msn. Again. Just doing what I do. I also made Sara shake all over (she's coming over tomorrow, the anticipation is killing me), got my own back of one of the Jerks (call him B) that I fucked a while back. What I did was cruel, but he deserved it. I will say why, and then I will say what I did. We were having a great session of cyber and as I'm about to cum he chucks in an immensely unnatractive person whom I most definately have an extreme disdain for. It scarred me. Everytime I was horny for about a week after and all I saw was her face. It was horrific. How do I get someone back for that, because it is so cruel to ruin my climaxes? Simply to be honest. I started a lively session of cyber with B (with the following intent) and after a short time I told him I wanted his balls in my mouth just as I was about to come. Then I told B that when I came, I'd bite down and split his ball open.

Horror doesn't describe it. Made me feel better.

Not to forget that Lexy, a good friend of mine, is meeting with a guy she likes (Marcus - I screwed him a little while back.. Him and B actually overlapped. I sound a little easy, don't I?) on Sunday. She's a little nervous, so I told her what I thought would happen. She's not happy now because it's driving her crazy.

All I said was that I thought that once they finally kissed they would be completely caught up in each other and forget everything else. His hand would trail up her neck and play with her hair, his right hand pulling her close by her waist. His fingers skillfully trail up Lexy's back; she can feel every move he makes, her skin is tingling and her lips pulsing. blood rushing through her head. as Lexy's back and neck arch from the intensity of his touch, and Marcus's mouth runs down and kisses her neck. Her body quivers in his stron arms, he holds her up as her knees weaken. His strong body presses against lexy, she could feel his breathing but she can only feel his breath on her neck. Her mouth finds his, her whole body surges with energy and hands are trailing and pulling at strands of hair, letting passion wash over them, praying it will always feel this good. How could she complain about that?

Sherlock was onto Something

Tody something unexpected happened. I was at home, giving myself abit of a work-out with the rabbit, things are getting heated. Suddenly I hear someone outside my door. I throw the rabbit on the bed, jump up and whip my head round the door, naked from the waist down. There is a small blonde child standing outside my room. That was not what I was expecting. Ever.

It took me a while to get rid of her, but I had to, not only was there the nudity thing, but the rabbit was still going crazy on my bed. I'm still abit confused as to why she was in our house, but my mum seemed to know.

The moral to this blog is, when trying to climax, lock your door. I need a lock.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Homophobia and a little Erotica

Spent the evening looking for laptops and I can't find what I want. It's very frustrating. Makes me horny...

I wouldn't be blogging, but something is bothering me. It's to do with Sara. Her and I, we're doing fantastic, but we're getting a fair bit of hassle from school. Mostly from teachers. Nice, huh? The people who have to teach us about the world and protect from things we can't do ourselves are given us shit. I can take the "look, there are lesbians!" jokes, the "LESBIAN" coughs and even the people who hold their breath around me in case they catch bisexuality. Teachers though? Really?

I know we're outnumbered, there just aren't alot of same-sex relationships around and some people can't understand because of religion or maybe they're prudish, but right now I feel like there are maybe 5 adults supporting us including my parents, her dad and 2 teachers at school. That's it. I'm not reallly sure why I'm taking it. I don't take crap from anyone, so why am I now? There are couple of things: I expect people to be homophobic and I know I can't change everyone. Then there's the kissing policy, if I report the complaints and they think it's worth doing something about, they'll probably just enforce it. I can't have every couple in the school hating me. I can't really speak from experience but apparantly being chased with fire and poked with spears isn't as fun as you might think. And I like abit of risk. I've been out for a while before Sara and I got together and i'd never had any trouble, so even though I knew it's be tough i had no real idea. The all end of it is that if you stop laughing it off for even a second, you might just start to believe it; if that happens you can't keep being yourself.

But i don't wish to end this on a downer, so here's something I wrote a while back...

As her naked body twisted, she saw the luscious curves of Roxie’s lips through the flickering light of cars driving past. She arched her back and let her hands search the supple skin of Roxie’s body; her fingers fitting perfectly at her waist. A small whimper escaped from Roxie as Mika let her hand explore. Roxie’s dark eyes glazed over and her lips parted. A shiver surged through her body; her knees buckled and Mika felt the impact on her breasts. A vivacious spark appeared in her eye and in one swift movement Mika straddled Roxies’ chest and looked into her beautiful face. The delicately freckled nose and lightly tanned skin, surrounded by the thick, glossy ringlets. She was perfect, even with her imperfections. Mika traced the long scar following Roxie’s ribs. The smooth texture fascinated Mika and she let her fingers linger as her eyes admired every surface of the figure below her.

She leant forward and the tip of her tongue trailed down Roxie; from her smooth neck, loitering on the succulent curve of her breast down past her hips. A deep moan escaped Roxie’s throat and as her head tilted backwards in ecstacy, her fingers dug into the soft skin on Mikas’ shoulders, in a storm of pleasure she was oblivious of her own strength on Mika’s slender frame. Mika, engrossed, was unaware of the small marks left on her shoulder, like the teeth of satisfaction imprinting her nimble skin.