Friday, 28 May 2010

Tenting and Shopping

After 48 hours the pain finally subsided. AC has been told that I'm reluctant to let my mouth near him after this.

Sleeping in the tent was awesome and I am 100% able to sleep through any amount of noise so when the other two darlings left because of some bird at like 5 am I kept right on sleeping. Post tenting, we went shopping. I got some nice bits without spending an absolute fortune which is always good. When I got home I had dinner and went babysitting. The kids had a fairly early night, but I'm off there again tonight. In fact now.

Promise to blog about year 13th last day soon. The tale will involve giant penises (vertical and horizontal), arse-slapping, removal of skin, lots of biceps and kidnapping of young children.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Throat on Fire

So, I'm a few days into freedom now, and the novelty has somewhat worn off.

I have managed to keep myself entertained over the past few days though. I did in fact hang out with guy who due to recent events will be known as AC. Allow me to explain, AC is a smoker and we have a fairly relaxed friendship whereby if we feel up to it, we can have a little fun. I gave him a little head and he came in my mouth. I swallow, I don't have a problem with it. It's not even a case of once it's in there it might as well stay in, I quite like the bittersweet salty flavour. His however, tastes like cigarettes. I know he's a smoker, I just wasn't expecting it. It's made my throat burn like crazy. Nothing will soothe it, suggestions are welcome. And so, he becomes known as Acid Cum.

I am thoroughly annoyed because I really enjoy giving head, but this pain has not subsided in the last 20 odd hours and it's not worth it.

Tonight I'm off to sleep in a tent with two lovely girls from my course. No nothing kinky. Yes, I might still bring the video camera just in case.

Sunday, 23 May 2010


This morning at 8am I awoke. I thought to myself, "Oh good, I can get going with some revision this morning...oh no, wait... I have nothing to revise for."

I woke up again at 12 noon. It was the longest lie in I've had since I started my course. It was wonderful.

I was exceptionally cheery at work yesterday and I brought my addictaball in too. That kept absolutely everyone occupied over lunch. It was brilliant fun. I got home and relaxed by catching up on tv.

Freedom is excellent.

Friday, 21 May 2010

Done with IB

No more IB. Aced the Danish. Finished an hour early.

Not going to lie, I keep looking through notes to try and find something to revise. Feel like I should be writing an essay of some sort. It's a very peculiar feeling. I think it'll take some getting used to. For now, I think I'll go and lie in the sun and read some of the erotica I bought ages ago. I think that's a plan of un-action.

I think that'll be my plan of un-action for the next 4 months.

"Exam Preperation"

This morning I am having bananas and cream for breakfast. Not a euphemism.

I hope there's cake tonight.

That's REALLY not a euphemism.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

11 down, 2 to go

Last economics paper was hard. Felt okay, once I got going, but not good. We'll see.

Just Danish to go now. They better not put any Norwegian words in it this time. I'll be very annoyed. And a little amused. Hopefully I'll get a good grade on the guess the facts paper. If you're not doing IB, you might not be familiar wit this. They give you an article and ask you to use it to write in another style, like a letter. You have to pick out facts. You get marked on style and grammar and if you guessed right and got the facts that they thought you should.

Because that's fair.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

A New Kind of Procrastination

I am currently sitting in my room wearing a cowboy hat and rainbow sunglasses. This is how I defy revision.

10 Down, 3 to Go

Near the end now. I sat down for my economics exam today. I was told I had 5 minutes reading time and I froze up.

I sat and stared at the page taking nothing in and just got dizzier and dizzier. My head was swimming, the room was spinning. I thought I was going to pass out which would have been less than helpful. Eventually I got going and had so much to say I almost didn't finish. Not bad actually.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

9 Down, 4 To Go

Thankfully the final bio paper went just a little better than the other 2. So much so that I finished the whole thing in half the given time and made a fortune teller out of a tissue. You know, for funsies.

When I got back I had lunch and after a short while went roller blading. Just as I was finishing up a beast of a bug flew into my eye and I was skating blind. It was different and not in a way that I would recommend it.

So I've got 3 hours of economics left over 2 days and 3 hours of Danish rammed into one afternoon. By Friday 4.40pm I will be free once again.

Monday, 17 May 2010

8 Down, 5 to Go

Biology was... Oh dear.

There was a question around the anal ejection of water by moths. Yes really.
There was a question about the movement through a cell membrane. I responded that it would be wet and fluid.
There was a question about the bonding of water. I responded that it did it over coffee and over time gained the trust of other molecules.

Not looking too good for passing that one to be honest.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Economics Textbook? Engulfed.

Over this weekend I finished up reading my biology textbook, I worked a 9 hour shift, I babysat and I read my entire economics textbook. Never before have I wanted to chill out with a couple of twisters and a romcom more. I deserve a relaxed evening. I worked for it.

Friday, 14 May 2010

6 down, 7 to go

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty sure I aced the English lit paper. I'm impressed with myself because I did not read any of the books. Who says you gotta work hard to reap the benefits*?

Had the German paper today which I did not think went as badly as it could have done. I might actually have passed which would be nice. I spent the morning in bed and then once I'd dragged myself up I watched TV and once I got to school I took the piss out of Sara. That is something that I seem to be doing rather a lot of recently.

So rollerblading and eating whipped cream straight out the bowl that I whipped it in aside, I've got some revision, but mostly I had lie-ins and started (albeit a little prematurely) to enjoy my freedom. Also sorted a birthday gift for the Younger Sibling. The Older Sibling was meant to do it seeing as I was a little busy with exams and all, but somehow she managed to spend the £20 I gave her for the gift on sweets. Exactly how one goes about spending £20 on sweets and eating the evidence in under 2 hours I don't know, but she managed very well.

I think this evening will consist of racing through the last chapter of the biology book and then watching An Education (I've been craving it for weeks) and writing a little more erotica. Maybe I'll even post some. Note that maybe and watch this space.

*I did work hard in other ways, just not reading the books and I take no responsibility if you take an English lit course and don't read the texts and then fail. If you pass, I take full responsibility.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Verdict: Guilty

My completely non-judgemental family just judged me. It caught me by surprise.

Apparantly buying half a pint of cream and whipping it just for snacking is not normal behaviour.

Who knew?

Friday, 7 May 2010

3 down, 10 to go

On Wednesday I had a maths paper. I've never had a paper that tough before and I royally ballsed it up. I really thought I'd fucked up my chances of passing maths. It was a tough night that followed. I went into school the next day do paper 2 and I looked truly awful. Did not want to be there. I went in. I could it. Almost all of it. It was such a relief that I might be able to salvage my grade after all.

Exams aside I've been creating a wish list on Amazon using their universal wish list button which is just a gift from God. I am so pleased with it. I've also sorted out more student finance stuff and I went rollerblading. I dug my old in-liners out and went over to a decent bit of tarmac. I just went up and down getting the hang of it again. It's been like 6 or 7 years since I was out on them last which just goes to prove that my feet haven't grown since I was like 11. That's a little odd, seeing as I've grown like 20cm upwardsly. I don't care that it's not a word.

Final note, my excuse of the day (from my epic excuses calender) was "I locked myself out of the house." The calender deemed this excuse valid as an excuse for being unfaithful. At first glance, I laughed, but then as I was procrastinating, I realised it might not be so stupid after all.

"You slept with other people!?"
"No, but I had to, you see. I got locked out, and she let me stay in her flat. She only has a bed, and I had to say thank you somehow. You know how I'm all about giving back to people. It's just who I am, if you can't accept that I'm a generous kind of person, maybe we shouldn't be together? I don't see why you wouldn't be able to handle being with someone charitable, but maybe you have issues."

(15 days to go - I've been counting the days for 100 days now)

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

1 Down, 12 to Go

English seemed to go well, paper one maths tomorrow.

18 days left.

Sunday, 2 May 2010


This is the month that will drain me so completely and utterly that all which will be left, will be a skeleton of frustration, anger and sleepless nights. If I wasn't so dead-set on living, this month would kill me.