Tuesday, 2 February 2010


I've decided a post a month was not an acceptable amount, so I'm going to try update daily again. I've mentioned things have been off with me, but I'm getting help and taking and eating things to get me back to normal.

On Saturday I'm going to a party with the theme of "Cowboys and Indians." I realised there is not a whole lot you can do as far as makeup is concerned, so I'm doing something a little different. While most people I know are going for the slutty cowgirl or your average cowboy, I'm going in drag. I've got some huge leather walking boots, mens jeans, mens shirt, bandages for strapping and a bandanna. I'm just waiting on a great leather hat. I also get some nice eye brows and stubble in there.

I'm quite a hot guy. Hell, I'd do me.


Reckoner said...

are you still a blonde guy?
because then i'd definately do you

Sara said...

I'd do you.

Does that make me a fake lesbian or you a fake man?


Reckoner said...

I think it makes you a rapist