Monday, 5 April 2010

How to Make Hell and Get Out Alive

I'm not quite sure where to start. Over the last couple of months things have not been easy.

These are the ingredients you will need to replicate this recipe:
A large cup of self-doubt (to be topped up whenever confidence is rising)
One diagnosis of clinical depression
Unlimited amounts of therapy and support
69 pages of raw emotion in the form of a diary (add throughout)
One very painful break-up
A friendship with an ex
The strength to get over the worst of the depression (amount required depends on personal brand)
A million deadlines
A couple oral exams of varying difficulty
A dollop of exam stress (works well accompanied by panic)
A bad and dangerous habit (to be added in moderation)
A sprinkling of laughter, coming from the inside out

If these are added in a reasonable order the Will to Live Life should be rediscovered within an undefined amount of time.