Sunday, 28 November 2010


So, it's been a little month since I last blogged. I'm not much for apologising so that's not going to happen, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

I do have a decent excuse though, I've been busy doing a large variety of things such as:
  • going to 6 job interviews
  • and getting 10 job offers (even I was impressed at that)
  • being chatted up by one of many interviewers
  • getting a brazillian wax (not as bad as expected and totally worth it)
  • finding a cheap and decent room in London
  • a couple of exams
  • seeing friends and one crap film
  • doctors re sense of smell
  • Sambuca. Gone after one shot. Really can't handle my drink
  • Moving to London
  • Starting a new job (including a 48 hour period where I work 24 hours and commute for 4. Every week)
So you know, it's not like I've just been lazing in bed reading free newspapers and eating Muller rice under a double duvet. I've done other stuff too.

For one of my interviews I was waiting in the dining room and they had a huge tv on the wall showing a film called "Two Mothers for Zachary" - based on a true story about a woman and her lover who fight for the rights to keep their son against the woman's mother. I'm sitting watching it and my interviewer walks in. A gorgeous voluptuous butch. Short black hair and glasses in a suit. She introduces herself and we go and start the interview. She uses her hands an insane amount while she's talking and when she apologises for it, I tell her not to worry and that I use my hands all the time. She catches my eye and says "I'll bet you do..." I raise an eyebrow and let it drop. Not only was she flirting with me during the interview, but she offered me two positions and set me up with another interview when I told her I would need more hours. I'm never sure what gets me job when my interviewer fancies me. I honestly prefer to get a job on merit as opposed to cleavage. She also told me I should give her a call or drop into her branch once I'd got settled in London. I haven't yet.

For the waxing I went with Jenna. We both took pain killers about a half hour before we were due to go under. Jenna especially, but really both of us were damn nervous. Jenna went first, I held her hand. Each appointment had half an hour set aside. Luckily we were both done in about 20 minutes. It's been about a month now and I could do with a do over, so I'm looking forward to that. (No, I really am.)

The doctors involved anaesthetic spray up my nose which numbed my throat and made me think I was continually about to vomit and an LED light going up my nose which gave me giggles something awful. Apparently I'm ticklish up my nose. Who knew?

On my last night before I moved, I went to the pub with a whole group of friends. I chatted up a couple of people, got a couple of numbers so I'll have someone to do when I head home. Then the aforementioned friends decided I should get absolutely rat assed as it was my last night out. Unfortunately they didn't realise that one shot of sambuca would do that. The angry scotsman said it was like someone had given an 8 year old alcohol. That was probably pretty accurate  to be honest. And I really didn't need the second shot. All in all though, a top night, so good to see everyone before I shot off to London.

I absolutely love my new job. There's quite a bit to learn at the moment, but I've only been there a week and I'm already half way through. My section manager has his work cut out though, because not only are checkouts after me, chilled and dry goods want a look in too. My assistant section manager on fresh is a really cool guy, who's already offered that I should do projects of some sort because he sensed I'd get bored once I was done learning on counters. Both my asm on fresh and my sm on counters are most certainly more than a little bit fuck-able. As well as this there's plenty of other eye candy about including one guy who I was introduced to on my first day. The guy who was showing me around said to a counter guy "this is the new starter." Counter guy said "I'm Counter Guy" and I said "I'm Iris." He looked me up and down for a fraction of a second and said "I'm yours." It was very smooth and I pass the time eyeing him up. Too bad I don't sleep with people at work. As Sara says, London's a big place, I'm sure you can find people you don't work with to fuck.


Anonymous said...

I miss you... x