Saturday, 7 August 2010


As previously mentioned this was a VERY small village that we were staying in and we only had half day surf lessons. You can only kill so much time with eating and watching Big Brother (I take no responsibility in the choice of programme - is that still going?) and I don't like to nap too much. So the title is not referring to get to lidl's and get back again. Oh no, this is how we passed 2 afternoons. We drove round the coast.

Because we could. We stopped at beaches all over. We went to Lizard, we hit Lands End (on realising where we were we very urgently turned around. Whilst screaming), and two places called Treen, amongst others.

There's a lot of beauty to be seen. I never really understood that when I was younger, why you would go and look at landscapes. I still don't in a lot of ways, but there is so much beauty in the world and you have to try and see it all. Otherwise you wont know how to pick your favourites.

This also massively improved my still very poor map reading skills.