Friday, 13 August 2010

Gay Bar

James texted and asked if I wanted to go out to a gay bar. I asked when. He said Friday. So we went. We caught the bus. I wore skinnies, these awesome red trainers that JJ got me for my birthday, a white tank top, blue blazer and some big blue earrings. Very chilled out.

The first place we went to was a dump. It's apparently more of an older gay scene. We headed to the only other gay bar in the town we'd ventured to. It was pretty quiet there too, but I chatted to a cute ginger girl who introduced me to a gay couple who introduced me to loads of other people. I danced a lot and drank nothing. I flirted with the girl who worked there and with the ginger girl. 

I swapped numbers with the short ginger girl and we did make out a little. She seemed really nice. I didn't get any way of keeping in touch with the girl who worked there. Let's call her Alix.

Honestly though, I just love to dance, it's so much fun. I love getting lost in the beat and just feeling my blood pound to the bass. It was a great night, got in about 3.30 in bed about 4. Was not in the mood for work the next day and honestly, did fuck all.