Monday, 16 November 2009


Another day at work. I work in a fairly male dominated section. Half way through the afternoon tidy, W asks me if I've seen one of the guys in charge (who claims to be a total stud). I tell him no, and ask why. Turns out they're playing a game. "Racks Away" involves a point system:

  • 1 point for a great pair of tits
  • 1 point for a MILF (must have a child with them)
  • 2 points for a MILF with a great pair

It really is that simple (and shallow). W and one other guy both got 10, one guy from fruit and veg got 7, I joined halfway through and got 5, the Stud only managed to see 3. Pathetic.

The time was passed by talking about sex. W had started the day with morning sex (first words of the day were "do you have a rubber?"), M&B Guy hasn't had sex since August and that was with his psycho ex. The Stud claimed to be single by choice, but everyone knows his ex dumped him and he was not pleased about it. Good fun.