Sunday, 28 June 2009

Just an Average Day at Work

I am most pleased. Freya has been transferred. Today I was essentially in charge although the Boss was there and downstairs (supervisor was in the kitchen), we all bullied him needlessly. Oh what larks!

It did end with him taking a piece of cake and smearing it all over my face. I wiped the icing onto my hand and off on his shirt.
"What did you do that for?!"
"Can't you handle a little competition..?"
If looks could kill.

(If looks could kill, I'd only be injured. He's nowhere near as good as me.)

He also:

  • Kicked me
  • Threw cake boxes at me
  • Covered my face in milk
  • Sprayed me with disinfectant
  • Refused to give me lunch (I got lunch anyway)
  • Verbally abused me
  • And much, much more

Not one of those things were uncalled for or without reciprocation. I love my job.