Thursday, 13 August 2009

Coming Out

Everyone I know (bar far away relatives) knows that I'm bisexual and that I'm going out with Sara. Everyone except my youngest sibling.

My other sibling (also younger) reacted like this:
"Could you turn the tv off a sec?"
*turns off tv*
"I'm seeing someone. A girl someone."
*turns tv back on*

However, my youngest sibling was sitting on my bed.
"Sara's a lesbian."
"REALLY? ...are you?"
"erm... no..."
"oh" *look of disappointment*
"I am bisexual."
"...and Sara's my girlfriend."
*grabs one of my (many) cushions*
"squishies gay"
*grabs another similar cushion*
"So's this one... they're married"

Of all the reactions I've had, this one is my favourite.


Sara said...

To be fair, I would have done the same...

Like you said: "I'm not really bothered. So what? You're dating a girl? Big deal. This cushion is gay, married AND squishy. You just can't compete with the cushion."



Erika Morgan said...

That's so funny. If I told my family I don't think it would end so well.

Isaab said...

Thats hilarious.

Al said...

haha i wish i had gay cushions... life would be so much more enjoyable lol Have Funsies xxx

edaves said...

Awww haha what a cutie!