Thursday, 6 August 2009


I think my interview went well. They called me an hour and 15 after I'd left because the woman she thought would be good to supervise me is going on holiday soon, so I had my second interview today too. Not bad going. I got on much better with the supervisor woman than with the human resources woman. Because she was a bitch. She didn't know the course i was doing and when I tried to explain what you do (6 subjects, with english, maths, a science and a foreign language compulsary) and that we have to do community service. She freaked. When I told her I wanted to keep my other job until christmas I think she had a minor stroke. Still I must have done something right.

I don't think it was awful at any rate, but it wasn't the job I applied for, so if I get it I'll be working all weekend. 10 hours Saturday and 9 hours Sunday. I could use £90 a week... Fingers crossed.