Sunday, 6 September 2009

Back to the Old Life

Work today was all a-ok, apart from the fact that we have a new chef who is training, and so fucks up on a fairly frequent basis.

It was good to be back and in an environment where health and safety really do mean fuck all. We had alot of fun, messed around (I got soaked by several co-workers, for various vengeful reasons... such as pay-back), generally had a laugh. Also told the gay supervisor about the other job and that I'll be leaving, so now that I've been clear with everyone I'm off any potential hooks that may have occurred in the future. I would like to stick with two jobs, but I fear it may just kill me. Once the doctors warn me to watch the ol' ticker, I'll quit.


Beetlebum said...

Don't think your ass has seen the last of that pressure hose....