Saturday, 5 September 2009

First Day

This morning I was checkout trained (I liked that). Apparantly I did well, although I suspect it's routine to make people feel better by complimenting them. After I was shown around by one of the people in semi-charge; he was nice and we got on pretty well. I was instroduced to alot of other people, but until late afternoon I was working with this guy. Late afternoon I was switched to a guy who I've sort of known for years, but not known very well. He's nice, but he is a little bit..."pity-poor-little-me." He is also immensely useful on gossip: I found out who in my section has a bad reputation for sleeping with anything, who's annoying, who I should suck up to, who's a nice guy, who will judge, and so on. It was useful. Was told I did well, although again, I suspect it's a case of make the new girl feel better.

The most interesting thing I learnt today was the reason that everyone knew my name. It wasn't because it's company policy or anything like that, oh no...

There had been some sort of buzz because they'd heard that a new girl was coming and that she was blonde and a lesbian. Guess I don't need to worry about coming out then.

Other than being cheated of coming out (I actually like that part), I had a really good day, I enjoyed the work, got to know people and had a stupid amount of breaks. I had an hour and half worth of breaks. When I work at the cafe, I use about half of my 30 minute break. I was bored stiff, I must remember to bring work with me next week.

After work I had 20 minutes (I got out late) to get home, change, eat and get to my babysitting job. I made it with time to spare. Babysitting means that over this weekend I will earn £95. I will be keeping £10. Not a bad weekend.