Tuesday, 22 September 2009


I am not happy. Sara has been given the HPV vaccine before me. The one that stops sexually transmitted viruses developing into cervical cancer. The virginal lesbian gets the vaccine before me. I am of far higher risk, surely?

And don't think I haven't tried to get the vaccine, I've been down the doctors surgery every other month asking if I can have it yet and every time I'm told that I have to wait until I am "invited by my school." I may just throttle someone.

The NHS bring it on themselves: teen pregnancy rates and STD/STI rates are higher than ever? Is it surprising? I went to see my doctor about getting condoms a good year ago. She told me I should wait until I was in a relationship. I wanted to be prepared! She also told me that I should pump myself full of chemicals, because obviously that's the answer to all my worries: drugs!

But wait, substance abuse is on the up, as is people becoming over reliant and addicted to prescription medication. I wonder how that happened.

All the same I do love the NHS - one thing they got right was making emergency contraception free from the GP chemist (I don't have £25 to spend when a condom splits or slips off and I'm not taking risks). Plus I don't have to improve my hand eye coordination: they'll always fix me for free.


Isaab said...

how is your nose iris? You haven't broken it in quite a while.c