Thursday, 24 September 2009

Internet Spending

Something horrible happened last night (pre-climax).

First up my boobs grew. This might not be a bad thing but I now have £180 worth of bras that don't fit me and ever more excruciating back aches. Secondly I had to buy a new bra which meant choosing from a total of about 8 (I don't get alot of choice in my size). The bra is very nice though, I settled on this. That's not too bad.

Then I stumbled* across my favourite sex toy site. It would appear I ended up spending £70.

So that's a total of £90 within about 2 hours. That's more than a whole weekends wages. Not good, if I'm honest. All the same I am looking forward to my packages arriving very much. I'm not the only one either. The package contains this for me and this for a friend, plus some lube because that's just good sense. The item for me is a well done present from me to me for getting through so much work, getting my other job and being myself. I like motivation.

*stumbled - actively searched it out