Friday, 22 May 2009

BNP and Catholic Loop Holes

So I didn't spend £75. I did spend £74. But in my defence £7 was a cute, mini dress.

All in all a very good day.

Sara told me about something that physically disgusts me. I'm not a fan of the BNP at all, my dislike is almost as strong for them as it is for the Catholic extremists (homosexuality is sin, no sex without marriage, no contraception, no masturbation, etc. I'm gonna burn in their hell for all eternity. With all the other people who like kinky things, contraceptive, same sex-screwing, drugs, and getting themselves off. How was bunging us all together a good idea? Drug-induced orgy, anyone? Plus if at the last minute I decide that a life of multiple orgasms, G-spot stimulation, kink and anal, oral and vanilla sex in every position there is, isn't for me, I'll repent.)

Back to the issue at hand, the BNP have started a hitler-esque youth movement and here is her rant:

A little rant?
The BN-freaking-P. You want to know what they've done? They've started a "Young BNP"
They run camps, which have coined the rather appropriate term "gun camps" by the media, where young people are taught fighting skills like knife wielding and shooting, as well as indoctrinated with BNP propaganda. These camps are for 13 to 18 year olds, yet on their website, a 12 year old girl is singled out for her exceptional performance with a rifle.
Honest to god they make me sick.
Last time some nutcase had this sort of an idea we ended up with millions of slaughtered civilians, and 4 million brain-washed young thugs brandishing knives engraved with "Blood and Honour". You don't have to be a genius to have taken GCSE History and made the bloody link.
Alarm bells anyone???
The biggest problem with all this is that the BNP are a group of stuck up tw*ts. To put it bluntly. They are anti-"anyone-who-doesn't-look-behave-or-dress-like-me". And well, I'd say that encompasses most people who aren't white, middle to upper class, racist and homophobic. Oh, and English. If you're not English, go home.

  • Allow me to introduce you to some of their more interesting policies.
    Muslim No-Fly Policy. This stops any Muslim using air travel to either enter or leave the UK. So basically, they can't use planes. It's simple really. They're terrorists, the lot of them.
  • Another little gem of racism from a BNP member who inadvertantly told a Sky News reporter "the black kids are going to grow up dysfunctional, low IQ, low achievers that drain our welfare benefits and the prison system and probably go and mug you." The word "lots" does not enough attempt to cover how much this man deserves to die. He was questioned over what he said, and he replied: "If I thought I was going to be recorded ... I would not have used such intemperate language, but let’s be honest about it, the facts are there". You WHAT now?? The facts are WHERE exactly???
  • Anti-Semitism. Because bastards like Hitler can clearly goddamn multiply. The BNP have gone so far to even call the Holocaust, the Holohoax. Now, I'm sorry, but I think about 6 million brutally murdered men, women and children would have to disagree with you there. What did you think? That Auschwitz was for fucking show??
  • According to the BNP, all homosexuals are (wait for it) "AIDs monkeys". Yes, somebody, somewhere, ACTUALLY said that and meant it. Not only this, they say they are particularly concerned about the level of acceptance that homosexuals receive in school, and that homosexuality should "return to the closet where it belongs". They also support its re-criminalisation. That is to say, that an act of love and affection between two consenting adults should be illegal and punishable by law.
Getting a little edgy? Good, not just me then.
Anyone for a killing spree?

Hey, at least they're not narrow minded. Oh wait...


Saboo said...

Holy shit its like if the scouts introduced a genocide badge