Thursday, 14 May 2009

In it for the Cash

After reading one too many old Belle De Jour blogs I've come to the conclusion that waitressing and prostitution are essentially the same: there's a small amount of skill involved, you have days where you hate it, the aim is to please the customer, and at the end of it all, you're in it for the cash.

Let me tell you a dirty little secret: I want to try it. Sex for money. I love both, might as well combine them. Go on, be outraged, feel the horror wash over you. Now think, if you know me even a little, you'd have seen it coming. I knew you'd come round.

Here's something that will get you thinking:

"What do people mean when they speak disparagingly of "a whore"? Someone who sells her or his body? I have news for you: Unless you're a ghost who still draws a paycheck, you use your body to make a living, too. Ever been nice to a customer you really didn't like, or acted enthusiastic about something you really didn't care about, just because you were getting paid? Congratulations, you're a whore, too. You're just not getting paid as much as I am."

The words of Mistress Matisse.

Go on, you want the dirty thrill of doing something you love for money. Don't pretend.


Fan of Anonimity said...

I would have to disagree. There are things that should be reserved for a person to give, rather than to take money for. That's all part of being in a relationship, or even just with some person you think you like, that you make the choice to give part of yourself to them in the act of sharing this "sacred" thing, and imparting some trust to them. Once you've taken money for that, not only have you lost your dignity, but a little of your humanity as well.