Friday, 22 May 2009

Wonders of Pricey Support

My Grandma is here. I absolutely adore my Grandma. It's my christmas present that she came to visit (we're also going to a hotel - I'm bringing the lappie, but due to a snapped charger and a potential non-availability of internet, blogging may be infrequent at best), and my other present is that I get a week with her in the autumn. I'm a foreigner, so she lives abroad, It's a slightly bigger deal when there's flying involved.

Today we're going to Oxford, and in Oxford there is a Bravissimo. Due to being a peculiar size, I have to get bras at such places. As I've mentioned, I love smalls. Bras are my favourite but they're expensive. All the same, as with dildos, I love to look. That can't hurt, right?

When I get back having spent £75 on undies... Then I was wrong.