Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Neurotic Organisation

I have now planned what I'm wearing, bringing and how I'm getting to pride this summer.

If you're wondering, and I'm sure you are, I'm wearing black hotpants, a black low cut top and being covered in rainbow coloured hand-prints. I'm also sharpie-ing the freshly shaven bit of my hair. And maybe my fringe. It's only pride once a year. Until my local pride about a month later when I get to do it all again! I've planned the costumes for everyone I'm dragging along to be rainbow themed. So far Sara is getting rainbow kisses on her neck and James has a rainbow on his chest (he's also wearing army boots, trousers and a beret), but once i'm done it'll look like the rainbows had a pukefest all over them. Lexy doesn't know this yet, but she's also gonna be coated. Sorry. *Big evil grin spreads across my lips.* I wish it didn't have to be like that.

I have the journey planned to the minute. Of course.

There is a reason I'm so organised. If I plan ahead, I get more done and it gets done faster. In the long run that means I have more time to spend with whoever or whatever I want. Toys are often my first priority. Sorry Sara. *Dreamy look as I lick my lips.*