Friday, 29 May 2009


I am giving you a few days warning. National Masturbation Month is May. I know this means it ends in 2 days and a few hours. I was not aware until then. I'm sorry for the short notice, but I've got some serious catching up to do. Maybe I'll have my own masturbation month in June. Yes, I will. Feel free to join me. I only bite a little.


Sara said...

Only bite a little, huh?
Could've fooled me.

Isaab said...

you miss spelled masturbation. you kept missing out the r.

Sara said...

You misspelled misspelled.

Erika Morgan said...

Every month is masturbation month for me hahaha. I like the banner at the top of your page. We have a lot in common. :)

Skinny.Melon.Biris said...

It would seem like it.. I read your entire blog in one sitting. I usually take NMD off, lie back and relax ;) Keep blogging SMBx

Erika Morgan said...

Glad to know that someone actually read it. :) I recently read yours too in all of its entirety and loved every bit of it. Breathe easy.
