Thursday 28 October 2010


I went to stay with the recently single Gif. Sex was on the table and we both knew it. We get on incredibly well. When I'm with him I always have so much fun. I also find him incredibly attractive: lean, tall, dark hair that always sits just right, full lips and such good cheekbones.

But it didn't quite work out like either of us had expected. I'm still not entirely sure what happened, but  I couldn't sleep with him. We kissed and my stomach dropped. I felt like I was committing to him. I guess I see him as a relationship guy and I just didn't know what to make of it. It just wasn't right. We stopped. It was pretty awkward.

That aside I had a good night out. watched a good episode of the moomins (trippy shit, that), obliterated a jar of gurkins, a watermelon and a packet of sugar puffs. I also did have fun. I didn't have quite the kind of fun that I'd expected to have, but I did have a great time with him. It's a damn shame though, because I still think he's absolutely gorgeous. Maybe sometime in the future, who knows?