Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Yes, we are. No, you can't watch

As I left school today Sara caught up with me and we kissed at the top of the hill. Bad planning means this is where the chavs go.


I honestly thought we'd travelled back to primary school. I turn around and see a group of disgusted faces. "yeah, so?" Shocked faces, no reply. I tell Sara I'll see her later and walk past the chavs. As I do they start to all whisper "they were kissing, kissing, like their tongues touched and everything..." I rolled my eyes, "life's tough, huh!"

One girl came up with the very witty reply of: "life's sick more like!" Followed by "who kissed? Her? "

"YES ME!" Follow up with angry mumbling about homophobic idiots. As one of the girls I was walking with pointed out, they'll probably be the girls to get off with each other when they're drunk. Life's funny.

My girlfriend has since told me that when she was walking back to school, a guy turned into her and accidentally bumped her. His friend turns and sincerely says, "dude, watch out, you nearly hit the lesbian!"

Reputation is everything.