Tuesday 21 September 2010

A Domestic Issue

Yesterday I attempted to do the good thing and play the role of a 50's housewife. I made dinner and dessert. The menu was steak pie followed by smartie cupcakes. I made the pastry from scratch, I made the gravy from scratch and I seasoned the meat myself. No half measures, no cheating. I baked the bottom pastry blind and it was perfect. I'd timed everything perfectly, so the cupcakes went in to be done just as the pie needed to go in. The oven broke. I didn't realise until the cupcakes needed to come out when I realised that they were in fact not done, not was the oven on. The fuse had blown. My mother flipped the fuse back on and everything was only 15 minutes behind schedule. Unfortunately, the element in the oven had broken when the fuse went so it just blew out cold air. Not really renowned for cooking anything. Eventually the other oven heated up and it all got cooked and was lovely, but alongside the heating difficulties, the funny warmth meant my smarties sunk to the bottom of the cakes, the icing thereof  was still runny because the timing was off and my bank changed me £33 when I spent £11 on ingredients. Clearly, I'm not meant to do the domestic thing.